This NBC TV series was based on a popular radio show of the same name and aired Tuesday nights at 9pm. Each week, fantastic tales of terror and the supernatural were filmed "live" on kinescope and fog-bound sound stages, backdrop paintings, and a bit of inventive camera work all tried hard to disguise the limitations of early television. A disembodied head (Jack LaRue and later, Frank Gallop) opens and closes the show with pithy commentary -a gimmick later used by Alfred Hitchcock, Boris Karloff, and Rod Serling. A few of these half-hour shows even have their original commercials still intact and the guest stars include Basil Rathbone, Veronica Lake, Robert Stack, Yvonne De Carlo, John Carradine, Tom Ewell, Anne Bancroft, and Burgess Meredith. A fascinating relic.

1946 | Black & White | Frank Gallo | Tv

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